+34 661968015 info@1mast.com
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1Mast property plans

At 1MAST, we offer three exclusive plans designed to optimise the purchase or sale of your home. Choose between “1Mast Contado“, “1Mast Renueve” and “1Mast One” to find the perfect solution that fits your needs and allows you to move forward with confidence and the best conditions in the market.

Discover 1Mast's real estate plans

1Mast ONE

Buy or Sell with one of our agents and earn or save commission.

1Mast Revenue

The perfect plan for those who want to improve their home for sale.

1Mast Contado

We offer you an offer in line with the market so that you can sell your house fast.


Sell at the best price, pay a 1 % commission when you sell and buy with 1MAST


Traditional agency VS 1Mast

1MastTraditional agency
Professional AgentNN
Premium publicationNx
Professional photosNx
Free Virtual TourNx

Check your savings

Buy with a 1MAST agent and we will give you back part of our commission.
Sell with us and pay only 1% commission, always with a Premium Service.


Buyer Saving in 1Mast


Seller Saving in 1Mast

Value of property

The calculated savings is an estimate, it is calculated on a commission of 5% that can vary according to the market.
*Sell and pay a 1% commission only if you also buy with 1MAST before 365 days from the date of sale of your house. We will charge a 1.5% commission and then when you buy with us we will return 0.5%. Minimum commission of €5,500 plus VAT.

A minimum commission of € 980 is applied (Tax included). The refund is not guaranteed, in some operations you may not be eligible for the offer. See conditions.

1Mast Renueve

Get more money for your home with no down payment.

With our 1MAST Renovate service we will make the necessary improvements to your home to make it more attractive to buyers, with a 2% commission* when you sell and buy with us. Our Home Staging specialists help you to achieve the revaluation of your property.


Reforms and professional solutions.

Improvements requested by buyers

Your 1MAST agent will recommend the most important upgrades based on our experience as home sellers.

Peace of mind and time

Your agent will deal with the necessary professionals and coordinate every detail of the refurbishment, saving you hassle and worry.

No upfront payments

No upfront payment, no interest, you only pay for the improvements made once your home is sold.

Here are the steps to follow


Meet with your agent

Set a deadline for the sale, consult your valuation report and fix the right price with their help.


Evaluate the best solutions for your home

Your agent will help you with the best solutions to optimise your home for sale according to your budget.



Carrying out the work

With the supervision of your agent who will oversee that the work is carried out within the agreed timeframe.


Launching the property on the market

Once the work is completed, we take professional photographs and the Virtual Tour and publish it on the real estate portals.



Once you have obtained the best offer for your house, the 1MAST team will take care of all the necessary steps until the signing at the notary’s office, so that everything goes smoothly, with no last minute surprises.

Why choose the 1mast renew service?

A good preparation of your home will make it stand out from the competition and make it sell faster and at a better price.

85% of buyers say that photos are a decisive factor when requesting a viewing of a home.

77% of buyers prefer to buy homes that do not need renovation.

Home staging makes a house sell faster than a house without furniture.


 1Mast Contado

The fastest and most uncomplicated sale.
With 1MAST we will make you an offer for your house according to the market. No obligation.

Our advantages


Solicita una oferta

te daremos un precio en cuestión de días y tu decides cuando te mudas entre 15 y 60 días.

Nos encargamos de todo

no son necesarias visitas con clientes porque compramos nosotros, te pagamos al contado, nos entregas las llaves y listo!

No dejes escapar la casa de tus sueños

gracias a la rapidez de 1MAST contado podrás hacer una compra segura de tu próxima vivienda.

Estos son los pasos a seguir


Request an offer for your house

Contact us and give us some information about your property, we will study the feasibility and give you an offer within a few days.


Talk to a 1MAST Agent

He will advise you on the offer or other options for selling your house on the market.


Visit your property

An independent professional will visit the property to check its condition and assess the necessary repairs.


Firm offer

We will send you a firm offer according to the necessary repairs to be carried out, if you accept we will set a date for the notary, if not your 1MAST agent can help you with other options we have to sell your house.


Purchase and sale and handover of keys

On the day of signing you will receive the firm offer price minus our fee of 3% plus VAT. If you put your house on the market and require the services of an estate agent the average commission is 5 to 7.5% of the sale price.


Why choose the 1mast cash service?

Selling your home can be a long and complicated process, from finding the right buyer to dealing with unwelcome viewings and endless negotiations. However, 1MAST counted offers a simple and fast solution that eliminates these hassles, allowing you to sell your property directly and efficiently.


Contact us to find out about your real estate plan
